So long and thanks for all the fish.
Dec 2015So today Chepstow Plant Services formally ceased trading. A wealth of memories and a very emotional time but no regrets. We had a ball.
..... and then there were three !
May 2015Our UK contract at Duntilland Quarry for Aggregate Industries comes to an end in June 2015 and the last three remaining machines out of an original stock of over 110 machines will become available for sale. We have two well loved and maintained 2009 Komatsu HD605-7 dumptrucks and a 2006 Komatsu PC1250-8 and they are all waiting to find new homes !
When the going gets tough….
Aug 2014The tough get going! Yes all of the clichéd tunes were hummed that morning in August when the Chepstow Services team, were led like lambs to slaughter to take part in a charity event like no other. Little did they know when Jon
Williams signed them up last year that they really would have to take part in - Tough Mudder 2014!
New year – New life for another HD785-7
Jan 2014What a way to start the new year! Another Komatsu HD785-7 makes her way to the dock in Southampton! This 100 ton dump truck is off to start it's new life in a mine in Europe.
Christmas CHEER!
Dec 2013Come the first of December and the Christmas hats are out - the yard at Newport Docks is full of Christmas cheer! Santa's little helpers are preparing the machines for their new homes. We only hope they don't try to wrap them, that could take some time!
A great event, for a great cause!
Sep 2013Today we had the pleasure of welcoming two representatives from Tenovus to Chepstow Plant Services in Newport. To formerly accept the funds raised in the Dudes, Diggers and Mountains 3 Peaks Challenge that took place in July.
The challenge continued
Aug 2013 In aid of the Charity Tenovus, the three peaks challenge continued through the night for the Chepstow Plant Services team – Dudes, Diggers and Mountains! After ensuring the walkers had been properly nourished the gruelling drive from Scotland’s Ben Nevis peak to Scarfell in England began late on Friday the 5th July, it was the drivers turn to begin their challenge!
The end is in sight!
Aug 2013Completion of the three peaks challenge within the 24 hour limit is quite an achievement, one that the Chepstow Plant Services team – Dudes, Diggers and Mountains took in their stride. No doubt there were times that each of the team asked themselves ‘why am I doing this?’ But that was easily put to rest when they remembered the £20,000 (with gift aid) that had been raised for Tenovus and with funds still coming the team embarked on Snowdon with as much vigour in their stride as they could muster!
Dudes, Diggers and Mountains were off!
Jul 2013
And so it begins
Jul 2013Tomorrow the Chepstow Plant Services Three Peaks team begin one of the toughest physical challenges they will face and all are eager to get going – Are they mad? Today challenge is to get them all safe and sound to Scotland! So up the motorway we go, collection boxes on hand!