Uk Time: 23:55

When the going gets tough….

When the going gets tough….

The tough get going!  Yes all of the clichéd tunes were hummed that morning in August when the Chepstow Plant Services team, were led like lambs to slaughter to take part in a charity event like no other.  Little did they know when Jon Williams signed them up last year that they really would have to take part in Tough Mudder 2014!

A 11.5 mile run/walk through sticky wet mud and to top it all (just for fun) throw in an army type assort course. But 11 started and 11 finished, with the majority getting through every obstacle all, 22 of them – and that was no mean feat.  The obstacles aptly named were constructed to make you face your fears.  Artic Enema - Swimming in icy -6  degree water under tyres, Hero walls - climbing wooden walls of 12ft with nothing but your team mates and own body strength to get you over, Walk the plank - jumping off of platforms over 15ft high into the icy water below and Caged Crawl was a terrible combination of ditch, water and a fence just an inch above your nose.

Trying desperately to get up the aptly named Everest – wall of rubber steeply curved to keep you off the top - only 3 of our team made it!  After all our trials and tribulations and before we could have our well-deserved beer, they made us run through Electric Shock Therapy and just like it says on the tin, wires draped from above carrying various voltages of 240 to 10,000 had to be run through while negotiating bales of hay and more mud! Hair raising day for all, the electricity knocking three of the lads clean off their feet.  But they got through cold wet and very muddy, the beer was one of the best ever tasted.